Types of Video Advertising That Every Marketer Should Know

You might have heard it before – “Content is King.” Over the past few years, video advertising has emerged as a beacon of hope and a dominant force in digital marketing. This is usually because video ads capture consumers’ attention and stay longer in their memory. Today, video consumption has skyrocketed across devices. This makes it crucial for all the brands to learn about video advertising and invest in it.

When it comes to video advertising, there are endless options. By making the right choice, you can take video marketing programs to new heights. However, with so many available options, picking the right one is quite a daunting task. Choosing the correct video advertising platform that can serve multiple purposes and offer high returns is always tricky. If you, too, are struggling with the same, then you must read this piece. This article will make you learn about this kind of advertising, its various types, and a lot more about it.

Scroll down and expand your knowledge to take your business to the next level.

What Is Video Advertising?

Video advertising is online display advertisements that include videos. It is promotional content that appears before, during, and/or after a video stream on the internet. It is used for selling products and services. With time, marketing professionals have broadened the definition and added display advertisements with video content. Among all the forms of advertising, it is considered the most effective one because, in just a few seconds or minutes, it can tell a whole story and capture the attention of viewers.

Different Types of Video Advertising

It’s easy to get caught in the whirlwind of different types of video advertising channels. With the availability of multiple platforms, it becomes crucial to pick the right platform based on various factors like the size of the business, product, scope, and targeted audience. To help you make the right selection, here are some of the essential types of video advertising.

  • YouTube Ads

In the era of visual content, YouTube ads have become a highly cost-effective manner of conveying messages. Such kinds of video advertising help brands to reach potential customers and take action every time they watch a video. Beyond this, these ads can be seamlessly customized, making them a much better option for brands. Also, YouTube ads are dependent on Google’s user data which makes analysis an easy task. Without any doubt, the successful execution of YouTube ads can garner millions of views in no time.

  • LinkedIn Video Ads

Linkedin Video Ads hold a unique position among various types of video advertisements. They have the capabilities to cultivate leadership and build brand awareness in a variety of industries. Such kind of advertisement provides an appealing way to reach a professional audience. It is ideal for B2B and B2C brands that target professional consumers. However, they are a bit more expensive than Facebook, YouTube, or other advertising platforms


  • OTT and Streaming Media Services

OTT is short for “Over-The-Top,” which means additional services people enjoy streaming on a television. Some of the top examples of OTT and streaming media services are HBO Max or Hulu. As more and more people are inclined to watch such platforms, this type of video advertisement has become popular. As per research, it is found out that 74% of American households subscribe to such services, which justifies its potential to reach advertisers.

  • Native Video Ads

Native Video advertisement is a kind of paid content that blends in with the website on which it is placed. They merge with the feel and form of the webpage and don’t even look like an ad. While it is more prominent in the text-based advertorial, it can also be applied to video content. These ads take a gentler approach to selling than traditional display ads, and hence they have a higher click-through rate. Digital marketers know the real worth of native video ads, and therefore they place them on blogs, news sources, popular vloggers’ channels, social media networks, and more.

  • Facebook and Instagram Video Ads

There are a variety of Facebook and Instagram video ads that are usually placed in the newsfeed, reels, or stories. This type of video advertisement allows the marketers to reimagine how they want to connect to the audience and further use detailed targeting options to reach different age groups, interests, and geographic locations. Also, Facebook and Instagram ads are inexpensive and are usually used for targeting mass audiences.

Must Checkout: What Factors are Driving Online Video Advertising?

Importance of Video Advertising in Marketing

A majority of the audience often ignore text and banner ads as they don’t find them relevant or engaging nowadays. On the other hand, advertisers can use catchy songs, exciting opening lines or get viewers hooked to the video ads and urge them to take action. Hence, by adding video advertising to your marketing, you can reach out to a larger audience. Also, ignoring this advertising will make brands face a competitive disadvantage.

Furthermore, these ads begin automatically within the primary content. Because of this, the brands don’t have to rely solely on the hope that people will click on the content. It gets exposed within the process without extra effort, making the whole process simpler and seamless.

Why Is Video Advertising Considered To Be The Future?

From startup businesses to renowned brands, everyone is using video advertisements to engage with customers. It is considered one of the most influential and entertaining ways of showing off your products and services. Notably, when user-generated content and virtual reality technology are factored into the equation, the chances of video ads becoming a primary force for creating relationships becomes more prominent. Here are some of the reasons why it is considered to entice and delight customers and become the future of the digital marketing industry.

  • Video ads have the highest engagement than any other type of advertising
  • They are concise, relatable, and have a story to tell
  • These ads are sharable and tend to go viral
  • Such ads have higher a click-through rate
  • This type of marketing is approachable to everyone

Must Checkout: 5 Powerful Tactics to Create Marketable Youtube Video Ads

The Final Words
Video advertising is growing rapidly and is believed to dominate the digital marketing world in the near future. It empowers the advertisers to better engage with the audience and get more clicks. So, if you haven’t already started, jump in today and take full advantage of the growing opportunity.

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