Mobile Marketing: Why it is Important & What Strategies Apply

Do you know about Mobile Marketing?

OK. Let’s begin with a prefatory definition.

“A Digital advertising strategy where you reach your audiences through their mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, and others) using apps, social media, emails, SMS, and more.”

Mobile advertising appears in the form of ads that show up on mobile phones and tablets. For different platforms, mobile ad formats and customization may vary. Different social media, styles, and websites have their tailor-made mobile Advertising options.

Mobile Marketing is that part of Digital advertising where the advertisement is so designed to attract mobile users. It is potentially more appealing as the user gets more specific, location- & time-sensitive information, and more personalized information.

Not to say, it’s the future. Mobile marketing has already become prevalent in Digital marketing. You are already trailing behind in the race if you have not yet implemented mobile marketing for your business. There is no need to mention that the last decade has seen a real surge in the time that is spent on mobile devices.

Today, everything that is done on a desktop or a laptop can be done through mobile. Moreover, mobile is multi-purpose, you do not need to carry a different device to make a phone call and to send an email. From reading to attending a conference call, you can do everything with this portable device.

In the present scenario, around 80% of the users who use the internet, own smartphones also. Mobile advertising can be done effectively, only if you understand your audience and create content keeping in mind the mobile platform.

Some Interesting statistics on Mobile Advertising. 

  • Around 89% of the time people spent on mobile apps, which makes mobile devices the most reachable source of communication.
  • Mobile advertising increases the speed of hitting the buy button 20% more. Due to the portable size of the mobile, the content looks more simplified, and there is no room for confusion.
  • Around 50% of the smartphone users buy a product immediately using their mobile devices.
  • About 91% of people who use mobile phones buy a product after seeing mobile ads.
  • Over 33% of mobile phone users buy a product only when the business has an app or the content is customized as per their needs.
  • For all the transactions done, about 40% are made using mobile devices.

Why Mobile Marketing is Important?

In the world of marketing that we are living in today, walk around through any part of the world, you will see millions of people with their eyes stuck on their phones. This is the key thing that makes mobile marketing, one of the most important strategies today. Here are some reasons why mobile marketing is important. Here we go:

Easy way to reach your target Audience

When it comes to marketing, reaching the target is the most important thing. There is nothing as important as reaching your target. In research, it was found that about 79% of the target audience skim through their phones, the first thing in the morning. Apart from that, on average, every user spends about 90 minutes of their day on the phone. In the US, this number was recorded around 220-minutes every day. And, more so, this number is increasing day-by-day! No way is better and simpler than mobile marketing when it is about reaching the target audience — it will reach where many other channels cannot.

Easy to buy from Mobile.

More than anything else, buying using a mobile device is easier. It has been established that almost 78% of the searches over the phone result in a purchase. Mobile e-commerce has been growing quite rapidly and it is expected that in the years to come, it is going to become the primary mode of shopping. Mobile e-commerce contributes to almost 34% of global e-commerce.

A personal Device.

A mobile phone is a personal device and this means, most times they keep their mobile devices at arm’s distance from their reach. With mobile advertising, you get to establish a more personal brand connection. And, mobile phones are the most important source of establishing this one-to-one connection in a better way.

Quick Response.

According to a study, about 90% of the messages are read in about less than a three minutes period and most text-messages have more than 987% open rate. And, more so, unlike email marketing, the response rate is about 6%. On the other hand, the response rate for text messages is about 45%. Text messages are read instantly and delivered instantly.

Mobile Marketing is Cost-effective.

On top of everything, as compared to other forms of advertising — mobile marketing is cost-effective. For instance, running an ad on television is way more expensive than running an SMS campaign.

Here are Different Types of Mobile Marketing Strategies:

There are various helpful mobile marketing techniques that help you with how you can enhance conversion rate and thus, revenue. Your target audience, budget, and the industry your business belongs to — will decide which form of mobile marketing will be best for your business.

Location-based marketing: These are ads that show up in mobile devices as per the location with respect to their business & the specific area. For instance, some businesses would like their ads to appear when you are in a radius of one meter.

App-based marketing: These are mobile apps based advertising. Almost 80% of the time that we spend on mobile makes for mobile apps. Mobile ads also appear within third-party mobile apps.

Mobile search ads: Google search ads that feature extra add-on extensions like maps or click-to-call that are built for mobile are called Mobile search ads.

SMS: This involves sending text messages and offers via your customer’s phone number.

Mobile image ads: These are image-based ads that are showcased during mobile devices.


With so many consumers going to the Web on mobile devices, it can be easy for advertisers and publishers to fall behind. Fortunately, there are agencies like AdMedia that can help you reach users and customers whenever and wherever they are with industry-leading solutions.

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