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A Blueprint to Manage PPC During COVID-19

Across the industries, the coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed the landscape, which looks evident. 

Many companies have stopped functioning until the world comes back to normal, and some have to stop functioning permanently due to a number of reasons. 

And, the one that is still operating is feeling stranded. 

Uncertainty, confusion, and hopelessness are all hovering around. And, the challenge in front of them today is, how to survive amidst the coronavirus crisis.

And, in the haphazard most companies are falling far behind the ones who have navigated through the uncertainties, particularly in the case of PPC advertisement.

According to a report, due to this global shutdown, Google & Facebook have to suffer a loss of over $44 billion in ad revenue.

We know that all of the situations are not at all good enough. But, the upside is that we can turn the corner by adjusting the PPC strategies in the right direction. This will help in the long run to win over and come out in pretty good shape. 

This post is all about adjusting your strategies & preparing a Blueprint Plan to Manage PPC During COVID-19. The only way to come over this is to reach your target audience in a strategic way during these taxing times. 

Does this sound creepy? PPC during COVID-19?

Is that really a smart idea? Or is it foolish?

This will sound crazy to everyone and that’s quite obvious given the condition.

The dropped conversion rate in the US has dropped to about 21% since the outbreak of COVID-19. 

It is clear that people are not getting involved in buying anything right now because of the effect of the coronavirus. For most companies, the priority right now is plenty of other things and not PPC.

And, when the world is hit hard by the effect of coronavirus, keeping PPC campaigns running seems completely a waste of money. At this point in time, the most important task at hand seems to be scaling down on expenses as much as possible. 

Let’s dive a little deeper into the data to understand how PPC performance in different industries has been affected by the coronavirus outbreak. 

To start with, the travel industry is the most affected industry. Bars, restaurants, and other businesses have been similarly affected.

But, in contrast to that, there are other industries that are thriving well in the industries in terms of PPC performance. According to data, the search ad conversions for the virtual entertainment industry, on the other hand, has risen to 102%. 

In addition to that, medical and health products/services are doing well in the market. 

With a general assumption, most of the companies are working out ways to scale down their spending on PPC campaigns.

But, you must rethink! Isn’t it time for you to take advantage. And, when most of your competitors are stepping back you can take advantage. 

This will give you a less competitive edge. Also, you can enhance the visibility in the lowest spend ever. 

This is a very important point to note here. Remaining visible during the times of the pandemic will not only increase your brand awareness, but this will also keep your business on top of the game when we get back to work and resume working. 

Nothing could be a better sign of being reliable & authentic than being present in these trying times. 

But, this, of course, won’t mean that you can follow through a similar path. There is an unusual situation around and the markets are going to respond differently. 

Therefore, you must tweak around your PPC campaigns. It’s the need of the hour to take a different approach to remain stable on the trajectory of growth, the team had taken the company to. 

Let’s find out how you can work out a way to continue being on the trajectory of growth with PPC campaigns during COVID-19:

A Blueprint Plan to Manage PPC During COVID-19:

1. Search Behavior

Everything is locked down & social distancing is at the forefront of everything. But, in spite of that scenario, the online space is not going to stop. It’s still working as usual. People still purchase, research & buy products.

In the meantime, you could inform your customers on how & what services are available for virtual delivery. 

You can use attractive ad copies to make your customers aware of free delivery, fast delivery & various other value-added services. 

There has to be a different search trend during COVID-19 depending on the industry you work for. 

2. Use of Messaging & pivoting value props

Many products, as of now, can enter into a reserved zone to promote different products & services. Companies can shift to products that are of more value and demand in the crisis of corona. 

The first thing to know is that you must know whether your service or product can be considered a part of essentials?

Some of the key trends for messaging & pivoting value props are Online webinars/classes, Family time, Social distancing, Homeschooling, Work from home, Medical essentials, Entertainment/Streaming online, and more. 

If your service or product can fit into any of these categories, you must promote those services & products as a temporary plan for the promotion. 

If you can, you must look forward to shifting into virtual plans & FREE virtual lunch & learn meetings, and move to more such options.

Then another important step would be to take care of the current campaigns. You must review them to understand what can be added and deleted to accommodate the changing landscape. For example, you must review some copy CTAs like “Visit our store”.

3. Budgets & Spend

This is the best time when you can rework your budget and compare your budget & spend. 

You have to take a look at how you can shift your budget to whatever is relevant at this time of emergency.

The best strategy would mean shifting your budget to those PPC campaigns that are more relevant as per the current landscape.

This is the time when you can review the actual spend versus budget. And, you can find the part of the budget that was not used throughout the year. You can use this part of the budget against the campaigns where it is most required at this point in time. 

It’s better to set monthly spending or lifetime spend instead of spending on daily budgets. This will give you more time to concentrate on other important tasks related to the task manager.

Use automated bidding features. This will adjust the CPC automatically inline with the goal of the adviser. 

Making smart use of this feature will keep you at the forefront in the landscape where the user behavior is changing at every step.

Other Smart ways to Manage PPC During COVID-19:


So, these are some of the smartest ways to manage your PPC campaigns during COVID-19. To help yourself remain in the race, you have to study the data and plan out different solutions according to the current situation. This is the time to quickly respond to the situation and to tap the nerves of your audience (according to the current situation). 

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