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3 Great Resources that Help Boost the Quality of Your Content

Publishers that get tons of visitors and garner a lot of ad clicks usually have one thing in common: Great content. If you have a website and you’re wondering why you’re not getting a lot of views or that you’re not making enough money of out your ads, then chances are it has something to do with your content. Online advertising goes beyond simply putting ads on a page; you also need to work on drawing people in and actually driving traffic to your website.

This blog post will discuss the top resources that publishers can check out in order to improve the quality of their content. From writing excellent copy to getting your stuff out there, the three websites below offer a wealth of information and provide a lot of actionable tips that you can apply to your own website.

1. Copy Hackers – This is a series of eBooks by Joanna Wiebe, a professional copywriter who specializes in startups and web content. The Copy Hackers set is composed of 4 books that can be purchased individually or as a bundle.

The first book, “Where Stellar Messages Come From” teaches you how to develop messages that sell. It fills you in on how to target your copy so that it reaches just the right people. The next book, called “Formatting & the Essentials of Web Writing” teaches you how to optimize your content’s format for the web. People consume web content differently, and if you want to get your message across, you need to write in a web-friendly manner. Book 3 on the other hand (Headlines, Subheads, & Value Propositions) will teach you the dos and don’ts of headlines, subheads, and value props to ensure that you’ll be able to write effective and attention-grabbing headlines. In Book 4 (Button & Click-Worthy Calls to Action), you’ll learn the ins and outs of proper calls to action and buttons that attract clicks.

2. The Copy Blogger Blog – Copy Blogger offers WordPress Solutions to optimize the content and marketing campaigns of bloggers. If you’re not ready to buy just yet though, then you can simply head to the blog section and you’ll be sure to pick up a lot of useful tips. From writing headlines and content to SEO copywriting and social media marketing, the Copy Blogger blog is one of the best FREE resources out there that can take your blogging and writing skills to the next level.

3. Blogging PRWeb – So you’ve written great content and you’re more than ready to make the world see it. The next step is publicizing and marketing your work to ensure that it reaches as many eyeballs as possible. After all, the quality of your content doesn’t just depend on how well it’s written, it’s reach and popularity are also factors that you should take into consideration. For tips on getting your content out there, the PRWeb blog is a great resource to start with. This blog provides useful advice in terms of SEO, marketing, social media, and of course, PR. And one of the best things about it is that PRWeb’s blog posts are written in plain English, and are perfect for small businesses or not-so-tech-savvy bloggers.

Image credit:  Anonymous Account on Flickr


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