How to Create Landing Pages that Drive Conversion

Your landing page must convey the right information to the customer. It should be so attractively designed that they come to your landing for the very first-time bells on. If you want to win your customers smartly — an awesome landing page design is the first thing to consider.

But what happens in most cases is — marketers are so hemmed by correcting many advanced strategies that they shut their eyes’ to the “landing page design.” It results in NO conversion, which makes them doubtful about other competent strategies too.

Throughout the world, online marketing campaigns have become the most popular mode of advertising. The first thing that this approach involves is the enticing landing pages. When designed smartly, keeping with the needs of the customers, landing pages can help boost your business by driving traffic.

Clean, easy to understand and user-friendly landing pages drive customers to the conversion funnel easily. Make it so flawless and eye-catchy that the customer feels to hit the buy or subscribe button on his very first visit.

Irrespective of the business you are in, it is always the first thing to design a landing page with relevant and effective call-to-action. Read our blog on How to Write Best Call-to-Action? You must add to it a social media sharing button & awesome landing page copy to capture visitors’ attention. Researchers say that — about 48% of advertisers prefer creating a fresh landing page for every marketing campaign.

Landing pages are present to speak for your business even when you are not there to speak. Design it so convincingly that you do not need to boast at all, even when you are there. Keep your energy ready for the next step and let your landing page help you cross the first stage.

So before you begin with creating your landing pages, you must ask yourself a few questions — what does my audience expect from my landing page design? How can I convince them to commit to my call to action? How can this help in enhancing the conversion rate?

The answers to these questions are simple — look at the statistics, just tweaking around the landing pages can increase the conversion rate from 1% to 25% (Approximately) and more. There are simple things to be aware of when designing converting-landing pages. Let’s find out here, what are these aspects. Here we go:

Keep it Clean, Organized & Simple.

There are three important pillars of how far your landing page can help drive conversion — the overall structure, look & feel. The most important thing for your landing page design should be keeping it easy to use. Every part of your page must be so designed to drive the audience towards conversion — be it filling the form or downloading an e-book or signing up for a newsletter. Also, it is important to make smart use of colors, font, typography, and interesting images, so that your landing page looks attractive. You can use certain button colors like green or red as that is believed to be helpful in enhancing the conversion rate. But then, you must make sure there is an absolute contrast between the button’s color and the color of the background. To design a landing page that converts, you must use different button attributes. If you wish to learn more about how to enhance the conversion rate, we have got you covered.

Know your Audience’s Challenge.

Who is your focus when you are designing this landing page?

Of course, it is your audience.

You know, it is very tough to satisfy someone you have never known.

Knowing your audience before promising service is a prerequisite — only then you are going to have an impact on your target audience. Maybe your competitors are not using this methodology where you can beat them to stand ahead. You can communicate your product with a deep understanding of the challenges they are facing. You have to always refrain from providing the wrong medicine for a condition. Challenge yourself to solve your audience’s challenges — be so wise that they would seek you & your solution. The similar goes with your landing page design. Your goal is to make it look attractive to your audience and drive them towards a solution (for the challenge, they are facing). The idea here is to capitalize on their challenges — so focus on this challenge all through. For instance, if you are a Digital marketing agency, you must talk about different forms of advertising you can help with — Native ads, video content marketing, and more.

It is always good to approach uniquely to discover the challenges your audience is facing and that is keeping them awake through nights. If you are there to provide them a helping hand whenever they are looking for one, they will surely seek it. If you are putting in some relevant content, suitable calls-to-action buttons, and are designing with the utmost caution, an audience you are seeking a solution for a similar challenge will surely turn back to. Your conversion rate will be enhanced tremendously. Not only that, but your audience will also start believing in you and sharing your product with friends and family via different channels.

Optimize for mobile.

While we often think that talking about this is not important and with such a whopping number of people using mobile numbers these days, no one ever misses optimizing for mobile. But, you will be surprised to know that a lot of people do that. Even when 49% of the world population uses mobile phones, most agencies give a miss to optimize the same for mobile. Google says that the landing pages that take more than five seconds suffer a reduced bounce rate. So, while you are designing your landing page, you must make sure that it is optimized properly for mobile devices.

A Minimalistic Approach would Do.

Make sure there is nothing extra appearing on your landing page when someone tries to open it. A great landing page is one where the user can navigate without any distractions like popups or videos in general. Make sure that you are providing only that information which the user needs to move down to the funnel (avoid any kind of redundant or not so useful information with respect to solve the users’ problem). If you have provided too much unimportant information on the landing page, it can lead to losing your audience and hence cutting through the conversion rate. It makes it easy for the user to understand your product — if you are using bullets & numbering in your copy. Want to know the standards of writing your copy during COVID-19? Click the link to read.

A good landing page will always look unobtrusive to the users, and yet, he can find all the information that he has come looking for. Clean & clear visuals with eye-catchy content will pave the way for generating traffic. While you can be minimalist with your description, there is always room for adding a more button that will take the reader to the details about the product. Most users know this kind of navigation & they would visit the detailed page if it really interests them. Another interesting way to keep the visitors engaged is by using the information in the form of video through your landing pages. Mentioning just the key highlights using text would make the user comfortable about hitting the buy button.

Use Important Trust Signals.

What are the trust signals? These are features used within a landing page to assure users of the trustworthiness of the product or service being offered. There could be different forms of trust signals including — testimonials (which is an assurance from a third party about the product), using Like counters, and more. Trust badges are another tool that provides an assurance of the product that is on sale through the landing page. Trust badges are actually the logos of the brands that you were associated with, at some point through your work journey. It can also include certain recognition and endorsements that you have received in the past. Also, trust badges can represent the coalitions & groups that your organization is a member of. These trust signals approve the authenticity of your product and your audience would feel confident about partnering with you.

CTA that Compels the User to take Action.

Carefully crafted call-to-action help to a large extent in enhancing the conversion rate and boosting your business. This is the small part of your landing page landscape that would be crucial with respect to help the user navigate through the payment section of the buying process. It has been established from previous researches that landing pages with a single CTA can have a conversion rate as high as 13.5% while those landing pages with two or more CTA would have a conversion rate of 2% less than that in the former case.

One idea that successful landing pages use is — it will first introduce a challenge and talk about how it could be bothering your life. In the end, they will introduce a product embedded with a suitable CTA. At the bottom of the page, there would be testimonials & other trust signals to assure them about your product. Focusing on a specific topic would always result in a great response. Moreover, the traffic coming to landing pages in most cases is from channels or campaigns. Therefore, you must customize the page accordingly.

On top of that, you must create your CTA making it almost impossible for the users to refuse your offer. Understanding the nuances is important to create the best copy. If you want to learn how to create a compelling CTA, click here.

Create Customized Landing Pages.

There are different sources where you are getting your audience from — if you are promoting an exclusive offer. It is a great idea to customize your landing pages for different audiences differently. All these audiences coming from different channels — Facebook, Twitter, PPC & Instagram are absolutely different. In fact, they have come to the Internet with a completely contrasting vision in their minds. Therefore, you must make sure that you have customized your landing page for them all.


Your landing page design would play a crucial role in enhancing conversion rates and helping your business grow. Go back to the drawing board and make the required tweaks if you think that it’s missing any of the elements of a good landing page. Use these landing page designing techniques in combination with other digital marketing techniques for improved conversion rates.

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