21 Of The Best Sources For Online Advertisers

Looking to brush up on your ad knowledge? We’ve put together a handy list of resources you can check out.”

Top 10 Websites For Online Advertisers

1. Google AdWords– Google AdWords allows online advertisers to reach local online customers. This is done by online advertisers creating pay-per-click-ads that will only appear when someone searchs a specific city, state, or region.

2. ConSultancy.com– Great place for online advertisers to get information, training, and events on the greatest online marketing and e-commerce.

3. Advertising-Page.com– Specializes in search engine optimization, back-link building, and social media marketing.


4. Getresponse.com– Excellent choice for Turn-Key email marketing and surveys. Advertisers can create, send, and track professional style newsletters and champaigns.

5. Mediaplex.com– Resource for online advertising, interactive marketing technologies, and online advertising.

6. Marketingprofs.com– Gives online advertisers the opportunity to learn from professionals, get newsletters, aarticle’s, and how to guides.

7. Facebook Advertising– Not only does facebook connect advertisers with friends, family, co-workers, but it also offers advertising services with both image and text.

8. AdMedia Blog- Not to blow our own horns, but the AdMedia blog does offer plenty of knowledge for the people in the industry.

9. http://www.adgridwork.com– provides free advertising and free metrics and tracking tools. It also creates attractive advertisement and text links and increases traffic.

10. Monetize.com – If you ever want to learn online advertising and marketing from a publisher’s perspective. You may want to check this out.

Top 10 Online Advertisers Books

1. The Online Advertising Playbook– Written by Joe Plumber, this book teachs principles, case studies, strategies, marketing objectives, and everything else you need to know about online advertising and how to do it successfully.

2. Marketing In The Age Of Google– Written by Vanessa Fox

3. Guerrilla Advertising– Written by Jay Conrad Levinson and Charles Rubin. Book discusses every aspect of a successful ad campaign.

4. Trust Me, I’m Lying – Written by self-confessed “media manipulator” Ryan Holiday, this is an excellent book that sheds light on what it takes to get buzz in the age of blogging and online media.

5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship– Written by Peter Drucker. This book tells all the best entrepreneurial strategies and sources for innovative opportunity.

6. Confessions of An Advertising Man– Written by David Ogilvy. Discusses all angles management and advertising.

7. Here Comes Everybody- Written by Clay Shirky, embarks into technology and social media.

8. Ogilvy’s on Advertising– By David Ogilvy talks about which advertising techniques work and which do not, with examples.

9. The Anatomy of Buzz– By Emanual Rosen a classic business book

10. Advertising on The Internet– Teaches up to speed advertising techniques, basics on contracts, pricing, budgeting, and ad design. Written by Robbin Jeff PhD

Top Training Program For Online Advertisers

1. The SEO Book– This training program is run by Aaron Wall who specializes in online advertising. Online Advertisers can subscribe to the program for a small fee and learn all the aspects of online advertising that will make them successful in their efforts.

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